Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Our FAQ section will help you find answers to the most common questions we receive about becoming a Diving member. And if you can’t find the answers you’re looking for, don’t hesitate to contact us.


The minimum age is 5 years old.

We think diving is just about the perfect sport. Yes, it’s hard work, but it’s fun, with a big payout.
Diving is both an individual and a team sport, with the benefits of both.
Divers learn that patience and hard work pay off.
Divers work together in practice to master new dives, developing connections with their coaches and fellow divers along the way.
Through diving competition, divers learn about good sportsmanship, how to be graceful in competition, and deal with success and failure.Divers learn to set goals, and when they achieve them, to set even higher ones.
They learn to support their teammates in their struggles and to applaud their achievements.
All that, AND it’s awfully fun to move that board, float through the air, and execute that perfect dive!

Many parents express concern about the safety of diving.  However, for an athlete who is properly trained by a safety certified coach, diving is an extremely safe sport.
Studies show that there were fewer accidents related to diving and diving boards than to golf, bowling or bleachers.  As former Olympic Coach Ron O’Brien has explained: "The sport of diving has suffered a poor image through association with accidents involving a dive into water, but having no connection to the sport of diving itself."These accidents occur in the shallow end of the pool, not the deep end, and they usually involve people who are not divers, have received little instruction and whose activities are not properly supervised.